Stanway Evangelical Church
On Saturday 1st October we were fortunate to have the use of Stanway Evangelical Church to host our most recent training event ready for the Mind, Body, Spirit festival at Marks Tey later this month. We had 5 new recruits who learned how to read the Jesus Deck with visitors to these events. Charlie Kosla gave a brief but top-quality presentation on contemporary society and how New Age values govern people’s thinking both in private and public life. Most of the evening was taken up with actually reading the Jesus Deck in pairs, with one being ‘reader’, one the ‘visitor’, both for assisting Journey Into Wholeness in its ministry, but also learning how to use the cards for personal meditation practices.
If you would like to become involved with the work of Journey Into Wholeness and become trained to use the Jesus Deck, please contact us on
If you would like to contact any of the Journey into Wholeness team, or would like any further information please e-mail